Coker Humanities Undergraduate Conference


Coker Humanities Undergraduate Conference

February 15, 2020

Call for Abstracts and/or Papers Demonstrating Original Undergraduate Research

We welcome electronic proposals, either 250-word abstracts or finished papers, addressing any topic of interest to Humanities scholars.

The conference may include sessions on a range of subjects within the following fields:

  • Literature: Children’s, American, British, Spanish, Latin-American, French
  • Composition & Rhetoric
  • Media Studies / Mass Communication
  • Philosophy & Theory
  • Cultural Studies: American, British, Spanish, Latin-American, French & Francophone
  • Art History

Proposal Guidelines:

  • Only currently-enrolled undergraduate students may present.
  • All abstracts and papers must include one faculty letter of recommendation. (Faculty members will not be required to attend the conference, but are encouraged to do so.)
  • Only one submission per student will be considered.
  • Final Deadline for proposals: 5 PM EST, January 27, 2020; rolling acceptance will begin as proposals arrive.
  • Only email/electronic proposals with attachments in .rtf, .docx, or .pdf format will be accepted.  Send to  An email notification of receipt will be returned within 96 hours.
  • Papers/abstracts should be double spaced in 12 pt. font. Length should not exceed 10 pages. For communication papers, MLA or APA citations are acceptable; all others should use MLA style guidelines.  All submissions must include proper documentation of sources.
  • Papers or proposals must contain a title page that includes the writer’s name, address, email, telephone number, institutional affiliation, recommending professor, class year (e.g., junior), and class for which the submission was composed.
  • Papers written in Spanish will be considered.
  • The conference fee is waived this year. There will be no charge to participate.  Lunch and a continental breakfast will be provided. 

Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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